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How to keep bees away from your pool

5 Easy Ways to Keep Bees Away from Your Pool

Bees are important pollinators, but they can also be a nuisance, especially when you're trying to enjoy your pool. If you're looking for ways to keep bees away from your pool, follow these steps:

Step 1: Keep your pool clean
Bees are attracted to water sources, especially if they're dirty. Make sure your pool is clean and free of debris. Skim the surface regularly, and use a pool vacuum to clean the bottom. This will reduce the chances of bees being attracted to your pool.

Step 2: Cover your pool
If you're not using your pool, consider covering it with a pool cover. This will not only keep bees away, but it will also prevent debris from falling in and keep your pool clean.

Step 3: Remove any standing water
Bees are attracted to standing water, so if you have any around your pool, get rid of it. This includes emptying any buckets, removing any toys or floats, and fixing any leaks.

Step 4: Use a bee repellent
There are a variety of bee repellents available on the market. Look for one that's safe for use around a pool, and follow the instructions carefully. Some repellents come in the form of sprays, while others are granules that can be scattered around the pool area.

Step 5: Plant bee-repelling plants
Certain plants are known to repel bees, such as marigolds, eucalyptus, and citronella. Plant these around your pool to help keep bees away.

Step 6: Keep food and drinks covered
Bees are attracted to sweet smells, so if you're eating or drinking near your pool, make sure everything is covered. This includes food, drinks, and even sunscreen.

By following these steps, you can keep bees away from your pool and enjoy a relaxing swim without any unwanted visitors.

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